Tello Reyes Mario Cesar Gerardo

27 181 112


Non-ribosomal peptides and polyketides are a wide group of Bioactive substance with pharmaceutical properties such as antibiotics, antineoplasic, antiviral, immunomodulators, etc. These compounds are synthesized by big multidomain proteins called Non ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) or Poliketide Synthetase. (PKS), according its ability to synthesize nonribosomal peptides or polyketides, respectively. The aim of this research is to study new PKS or NRPS systems to produce new bioactive compounds. For this purpose we combine bioinformatics, molecular biology, microbiology and cellular biology strategies.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Compuestos Bioactivos sintetizados por PKS o NRPS
Instructor, Investigadorde Inserción, CONICYT
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Bioquímica, Universidad de Chile, 2006
Bioquímico Universidad de Chile, 2000