Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Almodovar Fajardo Iriux

Developing of green synthetic strategies to obtain compounds with interesting pharmacological properties.
Jorge Ariel Saavedra-Olavarría*, Patricio Hermosilla-Ibáñez, Edwin G. Pérez, and Iriux Almodóvar (2022), “Fast Heating-Assisted One-pot Copper-Catalysed Sulfonylation and Sulfochlorination of Styrenes” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2022, e202101526. (IF=3,021)
Arteaga, Gean C.; Saavedra-Olavarria, Jorge; Almendras, Sebastian; Hermosilla-Ibanez, Patricio; Almodovar, Iriux; Perez, Edwin G.* Copper-catalyzed intermolecular aminochlorination of alkenes. Tetrahedron Letters, 2018, 59, (12),191-193 (IF=2.415)
Saavedra-Olavarria, Jorge; Madrid-Rojas, Matias; Almodovar, Iriux; Hermosilla-Ibanez, Patricio; Perez, Edwin G*. Synthesis of beta-alkoxy-N-protected phenethylamines via one-pot copper-catalyzed aziridination and ring opening. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, (49), 27919-27923 (IF=3.390)
Almodovar, Iriux*; Caroli Rezende, Marcos; Cassels, Bruce K.; Garcia-Arriagada, Macarena, Theoretical insights into the regioselectivity of a Pictet-Spengler reaction: Transition state structures leading to salsolinol and isosalsolinol, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2017, 30 (8) (IF=2.391)
C. Aliaga, I. Almodovar and M. C. Rezende, A single theoretical descriptor for the bond-dissociation energy of substituted phenols, J. Mol. Model., 21 (2015), 2572. Impact Factor=1.867I.
M. C. Rezende, I. Ponce, R. Oñate, I. Almodovar, C. Aliaga. Change of mechanism with a change of substituents for a Zincke reaction. Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) 3097. Impact Factor= 2.397.
P. Abarca, P. Silva, I. Almodovar, M. C. Rezende* Preparation and properties of perichromic dye: an undergraduate laboratory, Quim. Nova, 37(4) (2014) 745. Impact Factor =0.737.
I. Almodovar*, T. Delgado-Castro, G. Zapata-Torres, M. C Rezende, R. Araya-Maturana, Factors affecting the competitive reduction of 8,8-dimethylnaphthalene-1,4,5(8H)-trione in a Diels-Alder cycloaddition with hydroxysulfinyldienes. J.Iran.Chem.Soc., (2014), Volume 11, Issue 4, 1021-1026 . Impact Factor= 1.467.
I. Almodovar*, W. Cardona, T. Delgado-Castro, G. Zapata-Torres, M. C. Rezende, R. Araya-Maturana, M. C. Maestro, J. L. García Ruano, Remote regio- and stereocontrol by the sulfinyl group. Diels-Alder reaction of sulfinyl dienols and 8,8-dimethylnaphthalene-1,4,5(8H)-trione. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 24 (2013) 56. Impact Factor= 2.652.
M. A. Juricic*, P. A. Berríos-Cárcamo, M. L. Acevedo, Y. Israel, I. Almodovar, B. K. Cassels, Salsolinol and isosalsolinol: condensation products of acetaldehyde and dopamine.Separation of their enantiomers in the presence of a large excess of dopamine. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 63 (2012) 170. Impact Factor=2.723.
M. C. Rezende*, I. Almodovar, Substituent electrophilicities in the NMR spectra of barbituric Derivatives, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 50 (2012) 266. IF= 1,247.
H. Pessoa-Mahana*, I. M. Cuevas, D. C. Pessoa-Mahana, R. Araya-Maturana, I. Almodovar and C. A. Saitz-Barrá, Synthesis of 1-Benzyl-3-[4-(Aryl-1-Piperazinyl) Carbonyl]-1h-Indoles: Novel Ligands With Potential D4 Dopaminergic Activity. Journal of Chilean Chemical Society, 56, 4 (2011) 866. Impact Factor= 0.448.
I. Almodovar*, O. Ramírez-Rodríguez, A. Barriga, M. C. Rezende, R. Araya-Maturana, Electrospray ionization mass spectrometric fragmentation of hydroquinone derivatives. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 25 (2) (2011) 370. Impact Factor=2.846.
Capítulo de Libro:
Sandra Patricia Rojas Rojas , Iriux Almodovar, Ignacio Tapia, Nicolás Troncoso and David Leal,” “Promoción de habilidades de pensamiento científico y el diagrama heurístico en las actividades de laboratorio de Química Orgánica I. Experiencia en la formación de futuros profesores de química y biología.” Innovar y Transformar desde las Disciplinas: Experiencias claves en la Educación Superior en América Latina y El Caribe 2021-2022
No 018-2018, Investigadora Principal (PID, VRA Marzo 2019- Agosto 2020)
No 012-2018, Co-investigadora (PID, VRA, Marzo 2019- Agosto 2020)
No 1171391, Co-investigadora (FONDECYT 2017-2021)
021641AF, Investigadora responsable (DICYT 2016-2019)