Levicán Jaque Gloria

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Our research is focused on the elucidation of the molecular elements involved in adaptation of microorganisms to environmental changes. We are especially interested in characterization of the oxidative stress response of acidophilic bioleaching bacteria used in the recovery of metals from sulfide ores.  These microorganisms are a suitable model to study this response because of they are exposed to very highly oxidative conditions such as very acid pH and extremely high metal concentration.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Ecofisiología bacteriana, estrés oxidativo en bacterias biolixiviantes, extremófilos. Biotecnología.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor (Ph.D) en Cs. Biológicas mención Microbiología. Universidad de Chile, 2003
Licenciada en Cs. Biológicas