Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Mendoza Espínola Leonora Sofía

27 181 062
Structural determination of secondary metabolites of himic acid biogenetic route. Antioxidant activity of compounds of vegetal origin. Pharmacologycal and physiological properties of extracts and pure compounds used in Popular Medicine. Models and role of the resinous exudates of plants from arid and semi-arid zones.
Línea(s) de investigación:
Química de Productos Naturales
Grados académicos /educación:
Doctor en Química, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1997.
Profesor de Estado Con Mención en Química y Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1986
- Milena Cotoras *, Herman Vivanco, Ricardo Melo, María Aguirre,Evelyn Silva, Leonora Mendoza In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the antioxidant and prooxidant activity of phenolic compounds obtained from grape (Vitis vinifera) pomace Molecules (2015), doi: 10.3390/molecules191221154
- Leonora Mendoza*, Carolina Sepúlveda, Ricardo Melo, Milena Cotoras* Characterization of the antifungal activity against botrytis cinerea of sclareol and 13-epi-sclareol, two labdane-type diterpenoids J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 60, Nº 3, 2868, (2015).
- Cotoras, Milena;Ribera, Alejandra;Saavedra, Alejandra;Silva-Moreno, Evelyn;Araya-Maturana,Ramiro; Mendoza, LeonoraAction mechanism for 3β-hydroxykaurenoic acid and 4,4-dimethylanthracene-1,9,10(4H)-trione on Botrytis cinerea. Mycologia, doi: 10.3852/14-162, (2015)
- Loreto Sanhueza, Mario Tello, Marcela Vivanco, Leonora Mendoza, Marcela Wilkens. Relation between Antibacterial Activity against Food Transmitted Pathogens and Total Phenolic Compounds in Grape Pomace Extracts from Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah Varieties Advances in Microbiology Versión on line DOI: 10.4236/aim.2014.45029, (2014).
- Cotoras M.;Vivanco H.;Melo R.;Aguirre M.;Silva E.;Mendoza L. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the antioxidant and prooxidant activity of phenolic compounds obtained from grape (Vitis vinifera) pomaceMolecules, DOI/URL:, (2014).
- Leonora Mendoza*a, Milena Cotoras*a, Marcela Vivancoa, Betty Matsuhiroa, Simonet Torres B, María Aguirre A. Evaluation of antifungal properties against the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea of anthocyanin rich-extracts obtained from grape pomaces J Chil Chem Soc, 58 , 2 versión On-line ISSN 0717-9707 (2013)
- Leonora Mendoza, Karen Yañez, Marcela Vivanco, Ricardo Melo, Milena Cotoras. Characterization of extracts from winery by-products with antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea Industrial Crops and Products 43 360– 364, (2013).
- Milena Cotoras, Paulo Castro, Herman Vivanco, Ricardo Melo, Leonora Mendoza Farnesol induces apoptosis-like phenotype in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea Mycologia, 125, 1, 28-33, (2013)
- Paulina Dreyse, Diego Quezada, Jessica Honores, María Jesús Aguirre, Leonora Mendoza, Betty Masuhiro, Diego Villagra , Mauricio Isaacs Determination of s(iv) oxoanionsat poly-[ru(5-no2-phen)2cl] tetrapyridylporphyrin glassy carbon modified electrode, Ectroanalysis, 24,8, 1709-1718, (2012).
- Maria J. Aguirre, Mauricio Isaacs, Betty Matsuhiro, Leonora Mendoza, Leonardo S. Santos, Simonet Torres Anthocyanin composition in aged Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon red wines. Food Chemistry, 129, 514-519, (2011).
- Simonet Torres, Guillermo Ferraudi, Maria Jesus Aguirre, Mauricio Isaacs,Betty Matsuhiro Nancy P. Chand), and Leonora Mendoza On the Ligand-to-Metal Charge-Transfer Photochemistry of the Copper(II) Complexes of Quercetin and Rutin. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 94, 293, (2011)
- Camilo García, Cristian Domínguez, Alvaro Aliaga, Betty Matsuhiro, Leonora Mendoza, María J. Aguirre, Mauricio Isaacs. “Electrochemical properties of a conducting film derived from iron (II) tris diaminepolypyridyl complex in the S (IV) oxoanions reduction” Electroanalysis, 23, 1401, (2011).
- Cotoras, M., Mendoza, L., Muñoz, A., Yáñez, K., Castro, P. and Aguirre, M. Fungitoxicity against Botrytis cinerea of a flavonoid isolated from Pseudognaphalium robustum. Molecules, 16,5, 3885-3895, (2011).
- Caruso, F., Mendoza, L., Castro, P., Cotoras, M., Aguirre, M., Matsuhiro, B., Isaacs, M., Rossi, M., Viglianti, A. and Antonieletti, R. Antifungal activity of resveratrol against Botrytis cinerea is improved using 2-furyl derivates. Plos-One, 6, 10, e25121, (2011).
- Mendoza, L., Matsuhiro, B., Aguirre, M., Isaacs, M., Sotés, G., Cotoras, M. and Melo, R. Characterization of phenolic acids profile from Chilean red wines by high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 56, 2,688-691, (2011).
- K. Calfumán, D.Villagra, M.J.Aguirre, C.Yañez, C. Arévalo, B. Matsuhiro, L. Mendoza, M. Isaacs Nafion/Tetraruthenated Porphyrins Glassy Carbon Modified Electrode: Characterization and Voltammetric Studies of Sulfite Oxidation in Water-Ethanol Solutions. Journal of solid state electrochemistry, 14, 6, 1062-1065, (2010).
- K. Calfumán, M. García, M.J. Aguirre, B. Matsuhiro, L. Mendoza, M.Isaacs Electrochemical Reduction of S(IV) Compounds in Water-Ethanol Solutions at Nafion/ Tetraruthenated Porphyrins Glassy Carbon Modified Electrodes. Electroanalysis 22,3, 338-344, (2010).
- W. Cheuquepán, D. Villagra, M.I. Azócar, G. Ramírez, Y.Y. Chen, B. Matsuhiro, L. Mendoza, M. Isaacs, M.J. Aguirre. Effect of the number of substituents on the behavior of modified electrodes with cobalt porphyrins substituted with a different numbers of bis(methoxyphenyl) groups toward the oxidation of sulfite. J. Chil. Chem. Soc.,55, 2,253-256, (2010)
- María J. Aguirre, Yo Y. Chen, Mauricio Isaacs, Betty Matsuhiro, Leonora Mendoza, Simonet Torres. Electrochemical behaviour and antioxidant capacity of anthocyanins from Chilean red wine, grape and raspberry. Food Chemistry 121,1, 44–48, (2010)
- FONDECYT 1090723 Optimization of extraction process, isolation and structural determination of phenolic compounds obtained from grape pomace. Evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activity, 2009-2011. Investigador Principal
- Proyecto Dicyt Usach Mejoramiento de la extracción de compuestos antifúngicos mediante extracción enzimática desde residuos de uva. Modificación enzimática de extractos y compuestos puros y evaluación de la actividad en contra de Botrytis cinerea, 2012-2014. Investigador Principal
- FONDECYT 1120071Determinación de parámetros electroquímicos para determinación de envejecimiento en vinos, 2012-2014. Co investigador
- Fondef IDEA CA12i10054 Desarrollo de un fungicida producido a partir de residuos de la industria vitivinícola contra el hongo fitopatógeno Botrytis cinerea, 2013-2014. Director alterno
- FONDECYT 1130389 Improvement of antifungal and antibacterial activities from extracts or phenolic compounds obtained from winery by-products by structural modification or combination with antibiotics, 2013-2016. Investigador Principal
- Dicyt Usach Síntesis catalizada por la enzima lacasa de compuestos fenólicos diméricos con actividad antifúngica contra Botrytis cinérea, 2013-2015. Co Investigador