Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Ávalos Carrasco Yenniffer Andrea

I received my Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the University of Chile. During my doctoral fellowship I obtained the L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Award. I did my postdoctoral training with Dr. Eugenia Morselli at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. At present, I am Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology at Universidad de Santiago de Chile. I study the crosstalk between autophagy and primary cilium in neurons in the context of high-fat diets. I’m focused on determining how the crosstalk between autophagy and primary cilium in hypothalamic neurons regulates the insulinresistance promoted by exposure to saturated fatty acids. Likewise, I’m interested in determining the role of vesicular trafficking impairment and Golgi dysfunction in defects of ciliogenesis in neurons.I’m Principal Investigator of the PCI grant “International Network for the Study of Autophagy (INeStA)” and the FONDECYT “Autophagy and primary cilium crosstalk: a new mechanism in the regulation of insulin sensitivity”.