Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Martin Trasancos, Rudy

I am devoted to Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanotechnology. My research is focused on combining both topics to design and prepare new materials inspired by Nature. I prepare cyclodextrin polymers, either crosslinked or lineal, to caps noble metal or semiconductor nanoparticles creating a synergistic effect between the receptor/recognizing capabilities of cyclodextrin and the intrinsic properties of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are also chemically or physically modified on its surface to
achieve new physical properties (hydrophobic/hydrophilic compromise, shape, luminescent, among others).
My latest project (Fondecyt-11190555) aims to prepare supramolecular copolymer-binders based on adamantane and cyclodextrin host-guest interaction to assemble silicon anodes for Li-Ion batteries. Silicon anodes show a much higher gravimetric capacity than the actual carbon anodes but suffer from capacity fading due to their volume expansion (X300) upon lithiation and de-lithiation process. The reversible supramolecular interactions of binders are desirable for the healing of silicon particles during the battery cycling life.
Additionally, we prepare superhydrophobic composite membranes for desalinization of seawater, using membrane distillation technology. To achieve superhydrophobic membranes we used surface-modified nanoparticles (alkyl fluorinated-capped CuO or silica nanoparticles) to change the membrane properties by decreasing the surface energy.
Línea(s) de investigación:
Química Supramolecular y Nanotecnología
Grados académicos /educación:
Postdoctorado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018-2020
Postdoctorado, Universidad Andrés Bello 2014-2017
Doctor en Química, Universidad de la Habana-Universidad de Bremen, 2013
Licenciado en Química, Universidad de la Habana, 2003
1. “Preparation of functional coating films using breath figure (BF) method and the study of morphological, optical and wettability behavior with varying experimental conditions” A. Boulett, O. Marambio, R. Martin-Trasanco, J.Sánchez, W. Alavia, D. Oyarzún, G. Pizarro; International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2023, DOI:
2. “Spraying Fluorinated Silicon Oxide Nanoparticles on CuONPs@CF-PVDF Membrane: A Simple Method to Achieve Superhydrophobic Surfaces and High Flux in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation” Z. Lenac, C. Saldías, C. Terraza, A. Leiva, J. Koschikowski, D. Winter, A. Tundidor-Camba, R. Martin-Trasanco, Polymers, 2022, 14 (23), 5164, DOI:
3. “Design and Study of a Photo-Switchable Polymeric System in the Presence of ZnS Nanoparticles under the Influence of UV Light Irradiation” G del C. Pizarro, W. Alavia, K. González, H. Díaz, O. G. Marambio, R. Martin-Trasanco, J. Sánchez, D. P. Oyarzún and A. Neira-Carrillo. Polymers, 2022, 14(5), 945. DOI:
4. “Polycaprolactone-β-cyclodextrin polymer composite films as potential biopolymers for drug releases” Francesca Sepúlveda, Julio Sanchez Poblette, Diego P. Oyarzun, Fidel E. Rodríguez-González, Alain Tundidor-Camba, Claudio García-Herrera, Paula A. Zapata, Guadalupe del C. Pizarro and Rudy Martin-Trasanco* Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macromolecular Chemistry. 2022, DOI:
5. “Exploration of copper oxide nanoneedle electrosynthesis applied in the degradation of methylene blue”. D. P. Oyarzún , A. Tello, J. Sánchez, A. Boulett, O. E. Linarez-Pérez, R. Martin-Trasanco, G. del C. Pizarro, M. Flores, C. Zúñiga. Nanomaterials, 2021,
6. “Preparation of photoactive ZnS-composite porous polymer films: Fluorescent and morphological properties” Guadalupe Del C. Pizarro, Wilson Alaviaa, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Oscar G. Marambio, Julio Sánchez and Diego P. Oyarzún. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2021; 24, 320. DOI:
7. “A new porous organic polymer containing Tröger's base units: Evaluation of the catalytic activity in Knoevenagel condensation reaction” Fidel E. Rodríguez-González, Vladimir Niebla, M.V.Velázquez-Tundidora, Luis H.Tagle, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Deysma Coll, Pablo A. Ortiz, Néstor Escalona, Edwin Pérez, Ignacio A. Jessoph, Claudio A. Terraza, Alain Tundidor-Camba; Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2021, 167. DOI:
8. “PVDF Composite Membranes with Hydrophobically-Capped CuONPs for Direct-Contact Membrane Distillation” Cesar Saldías, Claudio Terraza, Angel Leiva, Joachim Koschikowski, Daniel Winter, Alain Tundidor-Camba, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 1497, DOI:
9. “Electrodeposition of Cu 2 O nanostructures with improved semiconductor properties”, Andrés Boulett, Guadalupe del C. Pizarro, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Julio Sánchez, Federico Tasca, Omar E. Linarez Pérez, Alejandra Tello, Diego P. Oyarzún. Cogent Engineering, 2021 8:1, DOI:
10. “New Poly(imide)s Bearing Alkyl Side-Chains: A Study on the Impact of Size and Shape of Lateral Groups on Thermal, Mechanical, and Gas Transport Properties” Fidel E. Rodríguez-González, Germán Pérez, Vladimir Niebla, Ignacio Jessop, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Deysma Coll, Pablo Ortiz, Manuel Aguilar-Vega, Luis H. Tagle, Claudio A. Terraza, Alain Tundidor-Camba, Membranes, 2020, 10, DOI:
11. “Hydrogels containing carboxyl groups for the sorption of methylene blue in aqueous solution” Estefanía Oyarce, Guadalupe Del C. Pizarro, Diego P. Oyarzún, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Julio Sánchez. Mater. Today Commun, 2020, 25, DOI:
12. “Alkoxide structure effect on size and size distribution of Ag, Au and Ag@Au nanoparticles, prepared via alkoxide mild reduction in water” Pedro D. Ortiz, Judith Castillo-Rodriguez, Alicia M. Díaz-García, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Ximena Zarate, Mónica Benito, Elies Molins, Eduardo Schott, Mater. Sci. Eng., B. 2020, 258, DOI:
13. “Nanosized spherical and porous films based on poly(acrylic acid)-b-poly(N-phenylmaleimide) and poly(hydroxypropyl metacrylate)-b-poly(N-phenylmaleimide” Guadalupe del C Pizarro, Oscar G Marambio, Manuel Jeria-Orell, Diego P Oyarzún, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Julio Sánchez, Cogent Engineering, 2020, 7, DOI:
14. “Morphological, optical and wettability characterization of honeycomb patterned films based on self-assembling copolymer under thermal annealing”, Guadalupe del C. Pizarro, Oscar G. Marambio, Manuel Jeria-Orell, Julio Sánchez, Diego P. Oyarzún, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Fernando Novio; Chem. Phys. 2020; 53, DOI:
15. "Microporous hybrid films from amphiphilic copolymers: Surface coated with ZnS nanoparticles by using the breath figure (BF) methodology" Guadalupe. C. Pizarro, Oscar. G. Marambio, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Julio Sánchez, Manuel Jeria-Orell, Diego P. Oyarzún, Chem. Paper, 2020, DOI:
16. “Synthesis and characterization of new spirobisindane-based poly(imide)s. Structure effects on solubility, thermal behaviour and gas transport properties”; I.A. Jessop, D. Bravo, E. Durán, F.E. Rodríguez-González, L.H. Tagle, D. Coll, P. Ortiz, Y. Mirabal, M. Aguilar-Vega, R. Martin-Trasanco, C.A. Terraza and A. Tundidor-Camba; J. Appl. Pol. Sci; 2020, DOI:
17. “From Concentrated Dispersion to Solid β-Cyclodextrin Polymer-Capped Silver Nanoparticle Formulation: A Trojan Horse Against Escherichia coli”: Rudy Martin-Trasanco; Giovanna Anziani-Ostuni; Hilda Esperanza Esparza- Ponce; Pedro Ortiz; María E. Montero-Cabrera; Diego P. Oyarzún; César Zúñiga; José Manuel Pérez-Donoso; Guadalupe del C. Pizarro; Ramiro Arratia-Pérez., ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4 (34), (10092-10096). DOI:
18. “Porous Surface Films With Tunable Morphologies and Hydrophobic Properties Based on Block Copolymer Under the Effects of Thermal Annealing.” Pizarro, Guadalupe del C., Marambio, Oscar G., Jeria-Orell, Manuel; Oyarzún, Diego P., Martin-Trasanco, Rudy., Sánchez, Julio., Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019, 7, 1. DOI:
19. In-situ preparation of CdTe quantum dots capped with a -cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin polymer. Polymer influence in nanocrystals size and optical properties. Rudy Martin-Trasanco*, Hilda E. Esparza-Ponce, Pedro D. Ortiz, Diego Oyarzun, Cesar Zuñiga, Maria E. Montero-Cabrera, Alain Tundidor-Camba, Guadalupe del C. Pizarro, Ramiro Arratia-Pérez, Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(11), 948. DOI:
20. “Two New Fluorinated Phenol Derivatives Pyridine Schiff bases: Synthesis, Spectral, Theoretical Characterization, Inclusion in Epichlorohydrin-β-cyclodextrin Polymer, and Antifungal Effect” Alexander Carreño, Leonardo Rodríguez, Dayán Páez-Hernández, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, César Zúñiga, Diego P. Oyarzún, a Manuel Gacitúa, Eduardo Schott, Ramiro Arratia-Pérez, Juan A. Fuentes. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6, Article Number 312, DOI:
21. “Preparation of CuONPs@PVDF/non-woven polyester composite membrane: structural influence of nanoparticles addition” Ángel Leiva, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Cesar Saldías, Marjorie González, Claudio A. Terraza, Alain Tundidor-Camba. Polymers, 2018, 10 (8), pp.862; DOI:
22. “Synthesis of Au Nanoparticles Assisted by Linker-Modified TiO 2 Nanoparticles" Ortiz, Pedro; Castillo-Rodríguez, J; Zarate, X; Martin-Trasanco, R; Benito Vélez, M; Mata, I; Molins, E; Schott, E. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (32), pp.9402, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04195
23. “Synthesis, Characterization and Relativistic DFT Studies of fac-Re(CO) 3 (isonicotinic acid) 2 Cl complex” C. Zúñiga; D. P. Oyarzún; R. Martin-Transaco; M. Yáñez; A. Tello; M. Fuentealba; P. Cantero-Lopéz, R. Arratia-Pérez., Chem. Phys. Lett., 2017, 688, pp. 66-73, DOI:
24. "Monitoring Morphological and Optical Properties on Hybrid Porous Polymer Films” .Pizarro, G. del C., Marambio, O. G., Jeria-Orell, M., Oyarzún, D. P., Martin-Trasanco, R., & Sánchez, J. (2017). International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization.
25. “Reduction of Au(III) by a β-cyclodextrin polymer in acid medium. A stated unattainable reaction” Martin-Trasanco, R., Cao, R., Esparza-Ponce, H. E., Montero-Cabrera, M. E., & Arratia-Pérez, R. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 175, 530–537.
26. “Synthesis and morphological characterization of nanocomposite based on anodic TiO 2 nanotubes and Poly(n-maleoyl Glycine-co-acrylic acid)”. Oyarzún, D.P; Pizarro, G.C; Asenjo, A.; Tello, A.; Martin-Trasanco, R.; Zúñiga, C.; Sánchez, J.; Arratia-Pérez, R.; J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 2017, 62, pp. 3562-3564
27. "Electrochemical synthesis, optical properties and morphological characterization of ZnO/Poly(N-PhMI-co-HEMA) nanocomposite". Oyarzún, D. P.; Tello, A.; Pizarro, G.C.; Martin-Trasanco, R.; Zúñigaa, C.; Perez-Donoso, J.; Arratia-Perez. R.; Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017,799, pp.358-3622, DOI:
28. “Small, stable and biocompatible gold nanoparticles capped with a -cyclodextrin polymer”. R. Martin-Trasanco, R. Cao, Hilda E. Esparza-Ponce, L. García-Pupo and Maria E. Montero-Cabrera. RSC. Adv, 2015, pp. 98440-98446.
29. “Self-assembly of a Ru(II)-deuteroporphyrin lipoic acid derivative on Au(111) surfaces” R. Martin-Trasanco, R. Cao, F-P Montforts. , J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 2015. Vol. 19, pp 10014-10020.
30. “An unusual self-assembly of deuteroporphyrin 4-aminothiophenol derivative on Au(111) surfaces.” R. Martin, R. Cao, F-P. Montforts, Paul-Ludwig M. Noeske, New J. Chem. 2013. Vol. 67 pp. 1610-1615, DOI:
31. “Interaction of nitric oxide with Ru(II) complexes of deuteroporphyrindimethylester derivatives”, R. Martin, F-P. Montforts, R. Cao, A M. Esteva, J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 2009. Vol. 13, pp 35-40. DOI:
32. “Solubility and Kinetic Release Studies of Naproxen and Ibuprofen in Soluble Epichlorohydrin--cyclodextrin Polymer”, R. Martin, I Sanchez, R. Cao and J. Rieumont, Supramol Chem, 2006 Vol. 18 (8), pp. 627–631. DOI:
33. “Complexation of Bis(morpholyldithiocarbamato)copper(II), a Superoxide Scavenger, in -Cyclodextrins”, R. Martin, A. Fragoso and R. Cao, Supramol. Chem, 2003 Vol. 15 (3), pp. 171–175. DOI:
Premios y Honores:
Prize of the Cuban Academy of Sciences 2014 on “Biomoléculas autoensambladas sobre superficies de oro con aplicaciones en la nanotecnología” main autor with Dr. Darío González Abradelo and Prof. Dr. Roberto Cao Vázquez.
Investigaciones :
As part of the Fondecyt 11190555 project, we are preparing silicon anodes using linear copolymers of polyacrylic acid with β-cyclodextrin and adamantane as binding agents. We study the correlation of polymers structure/composition with the self-healing properties on silicon. Our maxima goal is to prepare stable silicon anodes with long cycling life (>500 cyles) and with gravimetric capacity close to the theoretical. The research includes:
i) Designing and preparing vinyl monomers of β-cyclodextrin and adamantane, co-polymerizing them with acrylic acid, and characterizing the resulting products.
ii) Preparing silicon anodes using the synthesized polymers as binding agents
iii) Assembling half-cells, performing electrochemical characterization, and assessing cycling performance (gravimetric capacity, coulombic efficiency, and charge/discharge rate capability).
- 2019-2023: Grant from the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT), Chile. Title: “Developing Binder Polymers Based On Multivalent Interactions For Silicon Anodes In Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries” FONDECYT-Iniciación-11190555. (main researcher)
- 2014-2017: Grant from the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT), Chile. Title: “Quantum dots de CdSe y CdTe encapsulados con derivados de polímeros de ciclodextrinas: Un potencial nanosistema en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de células cancerígenas” FONDECYT-3150205. (main researcher)
- 2018-2020: Grant from the Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Corfo), “Preparation of superhydrophobic NPs@PVDF/Non-Woven Polyester composite membrane for water treatment”. CORFO 13CEI2-21803 (Stage-II). (Researcher & Chemistry Advisor)
- 2017: Grant from the Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Corfo), title: “CuO-Distillation Membranes Nanocomposites” CORFO 13CEI2-21803 (Stage-I). (Chemistry Advisor)
Otros Internacionales:
- 2019: Grant from the European Program, H-2020, (SFERA-III), “Performance of superhydrophobic NPs-PVDF/Non-Woven Polyester composite membrane in membrane distillation technique” SURPF1904050075, Main Researcher, Fraunhofer-ISE, Freiburg, Germany,
- 2011: Grant from the Deuscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). Title: “Synthesis, Immobilization, Electrochemistry and Characterization of ruthenium(II) Metalloporphyrinoids for Catalysis, Sensoring and Light Induced Electron Transfer” Referat. DAAD-414. (main researcher)
- 2007-2010: Grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-21316041) “Synthesis, Immobilization and Electrochemical Characterization of Metalloporphyrinoids for Catalysis, Sensoring and Light Induced Electron Transfer” (researcher).
- International Workshop on Lithium Industrial Minerals and Energy, December 12-14, 2022, b-cyclodextrin-acrylic acid and adamantane-acrylic acid copolymers as potential supramolecular complementary binders for the self-healing of silicon anodes in Li-Ion. (Poster Presentation)
- XXXIII-Jornadas Chilenas de Química, January 7-10, 2020, “Membranas superhidrofóbicas compuestas de fluoruro de polivinilideno con nanopartículas de CuO para la destilación de agua por membrana” (Poster Presentation)
- IX-Coloquio de Macromoléculas Chile-2018, December 5-8, 2018, “Films adhesivos basados en biopolímeros con un derivado de catecol con potencial aplicación en Ingeniería de Tejidos Biológicos” (Poster Presentation)
- IX-Coloquio de Macromoléculas Chile-2018, December 5-8, 2018, “Películas estimulo-respuesta con propiedades opticas basadas en copolímero de bloques” (Poster Presentation)
- 4 th. International Conference on Materials Science, October 16-19, 2017, “Uses of a crosslinked -cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin polymer in the preparation of gold and silver nanoparticles” (oral presentation)
- VIII Escuela de NanoEstructuras, January 10-13 th , 2017 “-cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin crosslinked polymer: A versatile scaffold toward biomedical application of nanoparticles containing metals”. Invited Speaker
- 10 th Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy (WCCMS), October 17-20 th , 2016 “Inclusion complexes of some potential anticancer drugs in a crosslinked cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin polymer. (Poster)
- 3 th. International Conference on Materials Science, October 21-24, 2015, “Crosslinked polymer of -cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin as capping agent for nanoparticles containing metals” (oral presentation)
- "QUIMICUBA-2012; VIII Congreso Internacional de Química, octubre 9-12, 2012. “Synthesis and self-assembled on gold of deuteroporphyrinruthenium(II) derivative employing lipoic acid as spacerarm” (poster)
- IV Internacional de Seminar on Nanosciences y Nanotechnology, Septiembre 17-21, 2012. “Self-assembled of Ruthenium(II)-deuteroporphyrindimethyl ester complexes on gold electrode”. (oral presentation)
- VI Seminarios de Estudios Avanzados de Diseño Molecular y Bioinformática (SEADIMB), August, 2009, Varadero, Cuba. “Self-Assembling monolayer of ruthenium(II)-(deuteroporphyrin-IX) complexes on gold electrodes as Nitric Oxide detector”(poster).
- 27 th Latin American Congress on Chemistry and 6 th International Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, October 16-20, 2006, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. “Self-Assembling of ruthenium(II) porphyrinoids complexes on gold electrodes” (poster)
- 2 st British- Cuban Workshop on Nanoscience and Life Science, November 9-12, 2004, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba (participant).
- III Simposio de Fotobiología, Fotofísica y Fotoquímica Universidad de La Habana, March 14-19, 2005, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba (participant).
- 3er . Sta Maria Workshop in Bioinorganic Chemistry. July 2005, Habana, Cuba. “Studies of inclusión complexes of Naproxen and Ibuprofen in Soluble Epichlorohydrin--cyclodextrin Polymer”(poster)