Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Ampuero Llanos Estibaliz Mariela
1. Acuna-Catalan, D., S Shah, C Wehrfritz, M Nomura, A Acevedo, C Olmos, Ketogenic diet administration later in life improves memory and regulates the synaptic cortical proteome through the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in aging mice. bioRxiv, 2023.09. 07.556691 2. Rojas F., Aguilar R., Almeida S., Fritz E., Corvalán D., Ampuero E, Abarzúa S., Garcés P., Amaro A., Diaz I., Arredondo C., Cortes N., Sanchez M., Mercado C., Varela-Nallar L., Gao FB., Montecino M., and van Zundert B. Mature iPSC-derived astrocytes of an ALS/FTD patient carrying the TDP43A90V mutation display a mild reactive state and release polyP toxic to motoneurons. Frontiers in Cell Developmental Biology. doi:10.3389/fcell.2023.12266043. Moraga-Amaro R, Diaz-Galarce R, Donoso-Ramos J, Ugalde V, Linsambarth S, Doorduin J, de Vries E, Ampuero E, Peña F, Pacheco R, Wyneken U and Stehberg J. Prenatal fluoxetine impairs non-hippocampal but not hippocampal memory in adult male rat offspring.Neuropharmacology, August 8, 2021. In press . Q1. 5.2504. Jury N., Abarzua S., Diaz I, Guerra M.V, Ampuero E., Cubillos P., Martinez P., Herrera-Soto A., Arredondo C., Rojas F., Manterola M., Rojas A., Montecino M., Varela-Nallar L. and van Zundert B. (2020). Widespread loss of the silencing epigenetic mark H3K9me3 in astrocytes and neurons along with hippocampal-dependent cognitive impairment in C9orf72 BAC transgenic mice. Clin Epigenet 12, 32 (2020). Q1. 5.0285. Ampuero E., Cerda M., Hartel S., Rubio F.J., Massa S., Cubillos P., Abarzua L, Sandoval R. and Wyneken U. (2019). Chronic fluoxetine treatment induces maturation-compatible changes in the dendritic arbor and in synaptic responses in the auditory cortex. Frontiers in Pharmacology, Jul 17;10:804. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00804. Q1, 4.2256. Mardones M., Herrera-Soto A., van Zundert B., Jorquera P., Ampuero E, Bustos FJ., and Varela-Nallar L. (2019). PSD95 regulates morphological development of adult-born granule neurons in the mouse hippocampus. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, Jul;98:117-123. doi: 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2019.04.009. Q3, 2,3537. Abarzua S., Ampuero E. and van Zundert B. (2019). Superoxide generation via the NR2B-NMDAR/RasGRF1/NOX2 pathway promotes dendritogenesis. J Cell Physiol.Dec;234(12):22985-22995.doi: 10.1002/jcp.28859 . Q1, 5.5468. García-Rojo G, Gámiz F, Ampuero E, Rojas-Espina D, Sandoval R, Rozas C, Morales B,Wyneken U, Pancetti F. (2017). In Vivo Sub-chronic Treatment with Dichlorvos in Young Rats Promotes Synaptic Plasticity and Learning by a Mechanism that Involves Acylpeptide Hydrolase Instead of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition. Correlation with Endogenous β-Amyloid Levels. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2017 Jul 25;8:483. doi:10.3389/fphar.2017.00483. Q1, 4,49. Bustos FJ., Ampuero E, Aguilar R, Jury N, Varela-Nallar L, Falahi F, Toledo J, Ahumada J, Lata J, Cubillos P, Henríquez B, Guerra M, Stehberg J, Neve R.L, Inestrosa N.C., Wyneken U., Fuenzalida M, Härtel S., Sena-Esteves M, Rots M.G., Montecino M. and van Zundert B. (2017). Targeted epigenetic editing controls PSD95 gene expression and regulates neuronal plasticity and cognition. Brain. Dec 1;140(12):3252-3268. doi:10.1093/brain/awx272. Q1, 10,292 10. Bustos FJ, Jury N, Martinez P, Ampuero E, Campos M, Abarzúa S, Jaramillo K, Ibing S, Mardones MD, Haensgen H, Kzhyshkowska J, Tevy MF, Neve R, Sanhueza M, Varela-Nallar L, Montecino M, van Zundert B. (2017). NMDA receptor subunit composition controls dendritogenesis of hippocampal neurons through CAMKII, CREB-P, and H3K27ac. J Cell Physiol. Feb 4. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25843. Q1, 4,0811. Ampuero E, Jury N, Härtel S, Marzolo MP, van Zundert B. (2017) Interfering of the Reelin/ApoER2/PSD95 Signaling Axis Reactivates Dendritogenesis of Mature Hippocampal Neurons. J Cell Physiol. May;232(5):1187-1199. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25605. Q1, 4,0812. Ampuero E., Luarte A., Santibañez M., Varas-Godoy M., Toledo J., Cavada G., Diaz-Veliz G., Rubio FJ. and Wyneken U. (2015). Two chronic stress models based on movement restriction in rats respond selectively to antidepressant drugs: Aldolase C as a potential biomarker. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2015 Mar26;18(10):pyv038. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyv038. Q1, 4,71213. Rojas, Gonzalez, Cortes N., Ampuero E, Hernández D, Fritz E, Abarzua E, Martinez A, Elorza A, Alvarez, Court and van Zundert B, Reactive oxygen species trigger motoneuron death in non-cell-autonomous models of ALS through activation of c-Abl signaling. Frontiers in Cellular in Neuroscience. 2015 7:66. doi:.10.3389/fncel.2013. Q1, 4,55514. Segovia-Miranda F, Serrano F, Dyrda A, Ampuero E, Retamal C, Bravo-Zehnder M, Parodi J, Zamorano P, Valenzuela D, Massardo L, van Zundert B, Inestrosa NC, González A. (2015). Pathogenicity of lupus anti-ribosomal P antibodies: Role of cross-reacting neuronal surface p-antigen in glutamatergic transmission and plasticity. Arthritis Rheumatol. doi: 10.1002/art.39081. Q1, 6,91815. Rubio FJ., Ampuero E, Sandoval R., Toledo J., Pancetti F. and Wyneken U. (2013). Long-term fluoxetine treatment induces input-specific LTP and LTD impairment and structural plasticity in the CA1hippocampal subfield. Frontiers in Cellular in Neuroscience.7:66.doi:.10.3389/fncel.2013. 00066. Q1, 4,5516. Ampuero E, Stehberg J, Gonzalez D, Besser N, Ferrero M, Diaz-Veliz G, Wyneken U, Rubio FJ. (2013). Repetitive fluoxetine treatment affects long-term memories but not learning. Behavioral Brain Research. 247, 92–100. Q1, 3,00217. Ampuero E., Rubio FJ., Falcon R., Sandoval M., Diaz-Veliz G., Gonzalez RE, Earle N., Dagnino-Subiabre A., Aboitiz F, Orrego F, Wyneken U. (2010). Chronic fluoxetine treatment induces structural plasticity and selective changes in glutamate receptor subunits in the rat cerebral cortex. Neuroscience. 11;169(1):98-108. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.04.035.18. Ampuero E., Dagnino-Subiabre A., Sandoval R, Zepeda-Carreno R., Sandoval S., Viedma A., Aboitiz F, Orrego F, and Wyneken U. (2007). Status epilepticus induces region-specific changes in dendritic spines, dendritic length and TrkB protein content of rat brain cortex. Brain Research. 1150: 225-38. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2007.02.089.19. Llona I., Ampuero E. and Eugenín J. (2004). Somatostatin inhibition of fictive respiration is modulated by pH. Brain Research. 1026(1):136-42. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2004.08.028. 20. Eugenín J., Ampuero E., Infante C. D., Silva E, and Llona I. (2003). pH sensitivity of the spinal cord rhythm in fetal mice in vitro. Advance in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 536: 535-9. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-9280-2_6721. Eugenín J., Llona I., Infante C. and Ampuero E. In vitro Approach to the chemical drive of breathing. Biological Research. 34(2001): 117-122. doi: 10.4067/S0716-97602001000200016.