Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Chávez Rosales Renato
In our Basic and Applied Microbiology lab, we are currently interesting in the study of the effect of several genes on the development in fungi, the expression of fungal proteins with biotechnology potential, the secondary metabolism of fungi, and the ecology and biotechnology of yeasts and fungi isolated from Antarctic environments. For these purposes, genetic engineering, bioinformatics and microbiology skills are used, and collaboration programs with national and foreign researches have been established.
Línea(s) de investigación:
Genética y Microbiología de hongos filamentosos, microbiología antártica.
Grados académicos /educación:
Doctor (Ph. D.) en Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2002.
Bioquímico, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1995
Ferrer, A., Rivera, J., Zapata, C., Norambuena, J., Sandoval, A., Chávez, R., Orellana, O. y Levicán, G. (2016) Cobalamin protection against oxidative stress in the acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacterium Leptospirillum group II CF-1. Frontiers in Microbiology, accepted.
Del Cid, A., Gil-Durán, C., Vaca, I., Rojas-Aedo, J.F., García-Rico, R.O., Levicán, G. y Chávez, R. (2016) Identification and functional analysis of the mycophenolic acid gene cluster of Penicillium roqueforti. PLOS One, 11: e0147047.
Chávez, R., Fierro, F., García-Rico, R.O. y Vaca, I. (2015) Filamentous fungi from extreme environments as a promising source of novel bioactive secondary metabolites. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: 903.
Contreras, M., Mascayano, M., Chávez, R., Ferrer, A., Paillavil, B. y Levicán, G. (2015) Dyp-type peroxidase (DypA) from the bioleaching acidophilic bacterium Leptospirillum ferriphilum DSM 14647. Advanced Materials Research, 1130: 23-27.
Figueroa, L., Jiménez, C., Rodríguez, J., Areche, C., Chávez, R., Henríquez, M., de la Cruz, M., Díaz, C., Segade, Y. y Vaca, I. (2015) 3-Nitroasterric acid derivatives from an Antarctic sponge-derived Pseudogymnoascus sp. fungus. Journal of Natural Products, 78: 919-23.
Gil-Durán, C., Rojas-Aedo, J.F., Medina, E., Vaca, I., García-Rico, R.O., Villagrán, S., Levicán, G. y Chávez, R. (2015) The pcz1 gene, which encodes a Zn(II)2Cys6 protein, is involved in the control of growth, conidiation, and conidial germination in the filamentous fungus Penicillium roqueforti. PLOS One, 10: e0120740.
Valdés, N., Rivera-Araya, J., Bijman, J., Escudero, G.L., Demergasso, C., Fernández, S., Ferrer, A., Chávez, R. y Levicán, G. (2014) Draft genome sequence of Nitrincola sp. strain A-D6, an arsenic-resistant Gammaproteobacterium isolated from a salt flat. Genome Announcements, 2: e01144-14.
Laich, F., Chávez, R. y Vaca, I. (2014) Leucosporidium escuderoi f.a., sp. nov., a basidiomycetous yeast associated with an Antarctic marine sponge. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 105: 593-601.
Del Cid, A., Ubilla, P., Ravanal, M.C., Medina, E., Vaca, I., Levicán, G., Eyzaguirre, J. y Chávez, R. (2014) Cold-active xylanase produced by fungi associated with Antarctic marine sponges. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172: 524-532.
Henríquez, M., Vergara, K., Norambuena, J., Beiza, A., Maza, F., Ubilla, P., Araya, I., Chávez, R., San Martín, A., Darias, J., Darias, M.J., y Vaca I. (2014) Diversity of cultivable fungi associated with Antarctic marine sponges and screening for their antimicrobial, antitumoral and antioxidant potential. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 30: 65-76.
Laich, F., Vaca, I. y Chávez, R. (2013) Rhodotorula portillonensis sp. nov., a basidiomycetous yeast isolated from Antarctic shallow-water marine sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 63: 3884-3891.
Vaca, I., Faúndez, C., Maza, F., Paillavil, B., Hernández, C., Acosta, F., Martínez, C., Levicán, G. y Chávez, R. (2013) Cultivable psychrotolerant yeasts associated with Antarctic marine sponges. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29: 183-189.
Norambuena, J., Flores, R., Cárdenas, J.P., Quatrini, R., Chávez, R. y Levicán, G. (2012) Thiol/Disulfide system plays a crucial role in redox protection in the acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacterium Leptospirillum ferriphilum. PLOS One, 7:e44576
Levicán, G., Gómez, M.J., Chávez, R., Orellana, O., Moreno-Paz, M. y Parro, V. (2012) Comparative genomic analysis reveals novel facts about Leptospirillum spp. cytochromes. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 22:94-104.
Ravanal, M.C., Espinosa, Y., Rosa, L., Vaca, I., Polanco, R., Eyzaguirre, J., Levicán, G. y Chávez, R. (2012) Glucose-induced production of a Penicillium purpurogenum xylanase by Aspergillus nidulans. Mycoscience 53:152-155.
Espinosa, Y., Trebotich, J., Sepúlveda, F., Cadena, J., Vargas-Straube, M.J., Vaca, I., Bull, P., Levicán, G., Chávez, R. (2011) Production of a heterologous recombinant protein using fragments of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter from Penicillium camemberti. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27:3019-3023.
Vaca, I., Casqueiro, J., Ullán, R.V., Rumbero, A., Chávez, R. y Martín, J.F. (2011) A preparative method for the purification of isopenicillin N from genetically blocked Acremonium chrysogenum strain TD189: studies on the degradation kinetics and storage conditions. Journal of Antibiotics, 64:447-451.
Chávez, R., Roa, A., Navarrete, K., Trebotich, J., Espinosa, Y. y Vaca, I. (2010) Evaluation of properties of several cheese-ripening fungi for potential biotechnological applications. Mycoscience, 51: 84-87.
Navarrete, K., Roa, A., Vaca, I., Espinosa, Y., Navarro, C. y Chávez, R. (2009) Molecular characterization of the niaD and pyrG genes from Penicillium camemberti, and their use as transformation markers. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 14: 692-702.
García-Rico, R.O., Chávez, R., Fierro, F. y Martín, J.F. (2009) Effect of a heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit on conidia germination, stress response, and roquefortine C production in Penicillium roqueforti. International Microbiology 12: 123-129.
Díaz, J., Chávez, R., Larrondo, L.F., Eyzaguirre, J. y Bull, P. (2008) Functional analysis of the endoxylanase B (xynB) promoter from Penicillium purpurogenum. Current Genetics 54: 133-141.
Felmer, R., Sagredo, B., Chávez, R., Iraira, S., Folch, C., Parra, L., Catrileo, A., y Ortiz, M. (2008) Implementation of a molecular system for traceability of beef based on microsatellite markers. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 68: 342-351.
Felmer, R., Zúñiga, J., Recabal, M. y Chávez, R. (2006) Diagnóstico y tipificación del virus de la leucosis enzoótica bovina mediante una prueba de PCR anidado-RFLP a partir de ADN extraído desde células somáticas de la leche del estanque predial. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 38: 253-257.
Felmer, R., Chávez, R., Catrileo, A. y Rojas, C. (2006) Tecnologías actuales y emergentes para la identificación animal y su aplicación en la trazabilidad animal. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 38: 197-206.
Gordillo, F., Caputo, V., Peirano, A., Chávez, R., van Beeumen, J., Vandenberghe, I., Claeyssens, M., Bull, P., Ravanal, M.C. y Eyzaguirre, J. (2006) Penicillium purpurogenum produces a family 1 acetyl xylan esterase containing a carbohydrate-binding module: characterization of the protein and its gene. Mycological Research 110: 1129-1139.
Chávez, R., Bull, P. y Eyzaguirre, J. (2006) The xylanolytic enzyme system from the genus Penicillium. Journal of Biotechnology 123: 413-433.
Investigador responsable
- FONDECYT 1150894 Genome mining for novel natural products discovery from an Antarctic fungal strain. 2015-2019. Co-investigador ( Inv. Responsable: Dra. Inmaculada Vaca)
- IDeA-FONDEF ID14I10098 Enzima de origen Antártico con actividad beta-galactosidasa, altamente eficiente en deslactosar leche a baja temperatura. 2014-2016
- INSTITUTO ANTARTICO CHILENO (INACH) RG_03-14 A xylanase from an Antarctic filamentous fungus as model for the study of cold-active enzymes. 2014-2016
- FONDECYT 1120833 Search and characterization of new genes downstream from the alpha subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins putatively involved in development, phenotype and production of secondary metabolites in Penicillium roqueforti. 2012-2015
- INSTITUTO ANTARTICO CHILENO (INACH) G_06-10 Búsqueda de actividades enzimáticas con potencial biotecnológico, en hongos filamentosos y levaduras aisladas desde esponjas marinas Antárticas de Bahía Fildes (isla Rey Jorge). 2010-2012.
- DICYT, Caracterización funcional de promotores de genes del hongo Penicillium camemberti, USACH, 2010-2012.
- CONICYT-COLCIENCIAS Estudio del efecto de la subunidad α(i) de una GTPasa trimérica, en los procesos de desarrollo morfológico y de producción de ácido ciclopiazónico en Penicillium camemberti. 2010-2011.
- INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION OF SCIENCE (IFS) A wild-type Chilean strain of Penicillium purpurogenum as a potential system for heterologous production of proteins of biotechnological interest. 2007-2009 y 2010-2012.
- FONDECYT 7070044 Cooperación Internacional
- FONDECYT 11060003 El hongo GRAS Penicillium camemberti como modelo de expresión y producción de proteínas recombinantes de interés biotecnológico, 2006-2009.
- DICYT Un hongo nativo chileno como modelo de expresión y producción de proteínas recombinantes de interés biotecnológico, USACH, 2006.