27 181 092
Up today there exist a number of drugs able to inhibit the acute pain. Nevertheless, these drugs are not capable of inhibiting completely chronic pain types. Even though there exist abundant knowledge about the pain pathways to the cerebral cortex,   neither the neurotransmitters participating in these pathways nor the regulatory mechanisms involved is known. Furthermore, quite a few is also known about the mechanisms involved in the codification and discrimination of tactile and painful sensations. Additionally, is also poorly understood the plastic changes involved in the response of the organism to chronic pain. This kind of interrogate has leaded our Lab to the study chronic neuropathic and arthritic chronic pain in animal models. A typical chronic pain is produced during a migraine episode. Once initiated, this pain is maintained in time due to peripheral and central sensitization. Even though the physiopathology of migraine has been deeply studied, their genesis and the mechanisms of central sensitization are still unknown. Into this topic, we development an system for long lasting drug delivery based in polymeric nanoparticle.
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Fisiopatología y neuroplasticidad en el dolor crónico
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias Biologicas, P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, 1997
Biologo, P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, 1990
27 181 112
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Estrés Oxidativo.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias Naturales (PhD), Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung (GBF), TU-Braunschweig, Alemania, 1995
Magíster en Bioquímica, Universidad de Concepción, 1989
Biólogo, Universidad de Concepción, 1982.
27 181 114

Our interest is the study of animal viruses with strong emphasis in Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISAV)

  • Molecular Epidemiology
  • Vaccine development
  • Collection and testing of antiviral from natural source
  • Molecular studies of ribonucleoprotein complex
  • Molecular studies of fusion and hemagglutinin proteins
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Biología Molecular de Virus Animales
Profesor Asociado
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2006
Bioquímico, Universidad de Santiago, 2002
27 181 096
The Laboratory of Neural Systems is devoted to the study of the genesis and the regulation of the respiratory rhythm in mammalian neonates. Our long-term goal is to determine the biological basis underlying the effects of perinatal nicotine exposure upon the neonatal respiratory neural network. This approach is a paradigm for studying the mechanisms that relate a known population risk, as maternal tobacco smoking, with a higher rate of central nervous system disfunctions as those observed in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. We combine electrophysiological and morphological techniques using in vivo as well in vitro preparations (isolated brainstem-spinal cord preparation and brainstem slices).
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, mención en Ciencias Fisiológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Médico-Cirujano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1984
27 181 098
Neuroplastic mechanisms operating in pathological conditions such as chronic pain and malnutrition. Approaches are at the molecular, cellular, electrophysiological and behavioral levels.
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Fisiología del Dolor; Desarrollo Cerebral y Nutrición
Grados académicos /educación: 
Licenciado en Ciencias Odontológicas, Universidad de Chile, 1969.
Cirujano Dentista, Universidad de Chile, 1969
  1. Cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in salmonid immune response and disease resistance Development of new tools and methods for the study of salmonid immune response Identification of immune cell subtypes and their functional activity Identification of new immunostimulant compounds and development of adjuvants Mechanisms of antiviral immunity.
  2. Immune response against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Local immune response Immune evasion mechanisms
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas
Bioquímica, Universidad de Concepción, 1984
27 181 125

Our research is focused on the elucidation of the molecular elements involved in adaptation of microorganisms to environmental changes. We are especially interested in characterization of the oxidative stress response of acidophilic bioleaching bacteria used in the recovery of metals from sulfide ores.  These microorganisms are a suitable model to study this response because of they are exposed to very highly oxidative conditions such as very acid pH and extremely high metal concentration.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Ecofisiología bacteriana, estrés oxidativo en bacterias biolixiviantes, extremófilos. Biotecnología.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor (Ph.D) en Cs. Biológicas mención Microbiología. Universidad de Chile, 2003
Licenciada en Cs. Biológicas
27 181 109
Injury of sensory axons at peripheral nerves endings produces functional changes in the damaged neurons.  These changes include an abnormal firing of nerve impulses, both spontaneous and evoked, causing anomalous sensations like dysesthesias and neuropathic pain.  Neuropathic pain is to a large extent refractory to treatments with traditional analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.  Unlike inflammatory pain, many of the molecular determinants associated with the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain are still poorly understood.  Cold allodynia (pain caused by a stimulus of innocuous cold) and hyperalgesia to cold (increased sensitivity to a potentially painful cold stimulus) are two common forms of peripheral neuropathic pain.  Thermosensitive TRP (Transient Receptor Potential) channels and several K channels have been proposed to be involved in this phenomenon.  The main goal of our research is to determine the cellular and molecular bases underlying the altered transduction of thermal stimuli in damaged primary sensory neurons, and to clarify the role of these thermosensitive ion channels in the biophysical modifications occurring in nociceptors and thermoreceptor neurons following injury. 
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Fisiología Sensorial y Nocicepción
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias con mención en Biología Celular, Molecular y Neurociencias, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, 2001
Licenciado en Ciencias, con mención en Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, 1993
227 181 106


  1. Physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in acclimation and tolerance to copper excess in the marine alga Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta)
  2. Physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the stimulation of growth and defense against pathogens induced by marine alga oligo-carrageenans in terrestrial plants
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Algas Marinas
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias, Universidad de Paris XI, 1989
Bioquímico, Universidad de Concepción, 1984
27 181 086
Our main interest is the metabolic status associated to cancer formation and progression. We have a particular interest in mitochondria and its participation in the generation of a metastatic phenotype. In this respect, we are investigating contribution of endogenous metabolites (i.e. lactate) to cancer progression and mitochondrial redox status.
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Biología celular del cáncer
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Chile, 2005
Bioquímica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1998
