Urzúa Moll Alejandro

27 181 154

In general, the investigation is focused on the isolation and structural determination of different families of secondary metabolites, and their biological properties determination.
The main research areas are: 
Investigation of the antimicrobial activity (both antifungal and antibacterial) of secondary metabolites, specially diterpenoids, monoterpenoids and flavonoids, through structural determination, activity evaluation, synthetic transformations, action mechanisms, physicochemical properties calculations, molecular modeling and structure-activity relations.
 Chemical Ecology, the study of origin, function and role of natural products that mediate inter and intra-specific interactions between organisms, and organisms interactions with abiotic elements in the ecosystem. Also, the repellent and insecticidal effect of certain essential oils from plants, the composition of volatiles that attract insects to host-plants, and the role of volatiles as pheromones.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Química de Productos Naturales.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Técnico Químico Industrial, Universidad Técnica del Estado.
Doctor en Ciencias con Mención Química, Universidad de Chile, 1983.