Clase abierta y gratuita: Fármacos II y el nuevo escenario para los medicamentos y dispositivos médicos
Zúñiga Navarro Gustavo Emilio
27 181 123
The main interest of my group is the development of methodologies for in vitro plant culture to obtain natural products with biological activity . In addition, we intend the conservation of the germoplasm from native species of Chile.
Línea(s) de investigación:
Biotecnología Vegetal
Grados académicos /educación:
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Chile, 1997
Profesor de Estado en Química y Biología, 1983
- Casanova-Katny, M.A, Zúñiga, G.E. Corcuera, L.J, Bravo, L and Alberdi, M. 2010. DeschampsiaantarcticaDesv. primary photochemistry performs differently in plants grown in the field laboratory Polar Biology, 33: 477-483
- Zamora, P, Rasmussen, S, Prieto, H andZúñiga, G.E2010. Antioxidant responses of in vitro shoots of Deschampsiaantarctica to Polyethylene glycol treatment. Antarctic Science 22:163-169.
- Montalba, R. Arriaga, C. Alvear, M and Zúñiga, G,E. Effects of conventional and organic nitrogen fertilizers on soil microbial activity, mycorrhizal colonization, leaf antioxidant content, and Fusarium wilt in highbush blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum L.). ScientiaHorticulturae 125: 775–778 (2010).
- Ribera. A.E, Reyes-Díaz M, Alberdi, M. Zúñiga, G.E and Mora. L.M. Antioxidant compounds in skin and pulp of fruits change among genotypes and maturity stages in highbush blueberry (Vacciniumcorymbosum L.) grown in southern Chile. J. Soil. Sci. Plant Nutr. 10: 509 – 536 (2010)
- Vera J, Castro, J, Gionzalez, A. Barrientos, H. Matsuhiro, B. Arce, P. Zúñiga, G.E.andMoenne A 2011. Long-term protection against tobacco mosaic virus induced by the marine alga oligo-sulphated-galactan Poly-Ga in tobacco plants. Molecular PlantPathology 12: 437–447.
- Zúñiga, G. E., Junqueira-Gonçalves, M.P., Pizarro M., Contreras. R., Tapia A. and Silva, S 2012. Effect of ionizing energy on extracts of Quillajasaponaria to be used as an antimicrobial agent on irradiated edible coating for fresh strawberries. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81: 64-69.
- Junqueira-Gonçalves M.P., Zárate H., Ganga A., Arcos K., Zúñiga G.E. 2012.Effect of y-radiation on chives safety and quality.International Journal of Food Science and Technology.47: 2436–2443
Gonzalez-Coloma, A., Bailen, M., Diaz, CE., Fraga, BM., Martinez, D., Zuñiga, GE., Contreras, RA., Cabrera, R. and Burillo J. (2012). Major components of Spanish cultivated Artemisia absinthium populations: Antifeedant, antiparasitic, and antioxidant effects. Industrial Crops 37: 401-407.
Campos-Vargas, R; Zamora, P; Contreras, R; Kohler H; Zúñiga, G.E; Perez-Donosa A; Defilippi B.G. 2012. Cold storage effects on oxidative stress of cv. Red Globe table grape rachises. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 37: 91
Sequeida, A., Tapia, E., Ortega, M., Zamora, P., Castro, A.,Montes, C., Zúñiga, G.E., and Prieto. H (2012). Production of phenolic metabolites by Deschampsiaantarctica shoots using UV-B treatments during cultivation in a photobioreactor. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 15: doi: 10.2225/vol15-issue4-fulltext-7
Bascuñán-Godoy, L., Sanhueza, C., Cuba, M., Zúñiga, G.E., Corcuera, L.J and Bravo, L.A. 2012. Cold-acclimation limits low temperature induced photoinhibition by promoting a higher photochemical quantum yield and a more effective PSII restoration in darkness in the Antarctic rather than the Andean ecotype of ColobanthusquitensisKuntBartl (Cariophyllaceae). BMC Plant Biology 12: 144.
Ribera, A and Zúñiga, G.E. 2013. "Plant natural products for fungal control- A review. J. of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 12: 4.
Zamora, P., Pardo, A., Fierro, A., Prieto, H and Zúñiga. G.E. 2013 Molecular characterization of chalconeisomerase complex gene family in Deschampsiaantarctica Polar Biology:36:1269-1280.
Manquián, K.,Zúñiga, G.E., Barrientos;, H.,Escudey, M., Molina, M., 2013. Effect of aluminumonantioxidantactivity and phenoliccompoundscontent in invitro culturedblueberries. Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas 12:603-611
Tapia, Y., Diaz, O., Pizarro, C.,Segura, R.,Vines., M.,Zúñiga, G.E.,Moreno-Jiménez, E. (2013) .Atriplexatacamensis and Atriplexhalimusresist As contamination in Pre-Andeansoils (northern Chile) Science of the Total Environment. 450-451:188-196.
González. A.,Contreras, A.R.,Zúñiga, G.E., Moenne, M., (2014). Oligocarrageenan kappa-inducedreducingredox status and activation of TRR/TRX systemincreasethelevel of indole-3-acetic acid, gibberellin A 3 and trans-zeatin in EucalyptusglobulustreesMolecules: 19:12690-12698.
Barrientos, H., Pérez, C., Zuñiga, G.E., Mahn, A. 2014.Effect of methyljasmonate, sodiumselenate and chitosan as exogenouselicitorsonthephenoliccompoundsprofile of broccolisprouts. Journal of theScience of Food and Agriculture. 2014. 94:2555-2561.
A. Casanova-Katny, A., Pizarro. M., Caballero, M.M., Cordero, R., and Zúñiga, G.E. 2015. Non-structuralcarbohydratecontent in cryptogamicAntarcticspeciesaftertwoyears of passive warmingon the Fildes Peninsula.
Junqueira-Gonçalves, M.P., Yáñez, L., Morales, C., ·Navarro , M., ·Contreras, R.A., Zúñiga, G.E. 2015. Isolation and Characterization of PhenolicCompounds and Anthocyaninsfrom Murta (UgnimolinaeTurcz.) Fruits. Assessment of Antioxidant and AntibacterialActivity. Molecules 31:5698-713
Casanova-Katny, A., Pizarro, M., Caballero, M. M., Cordero, R. & Zúñiga, G. E. 2015. Non-structuralcarbohydratecontent in cryptogamicAntarcticspeciesaftertwoyears ofpassivewarmingontheFildesPeninsula. Czech Polar Reports: 5:88-98
Zúñiga-González, P., Zúñiga, G. E., Pizarro, M. & Casanova-Katny, A. 2016. Soluble carbohydratecontentvariation in Sanioniauncinata and Polytrichastrumalpinum, twoAntarcticmosseswithcontrastingdesiccationcapacities. Biological Research201649:6
- FONDECYT (1140189). Metabolomic responses of theantarcticmossesSanioniauncinata and Politrichastrumalpinumtowarming
- CORFO INNOVA: (13IDL2-18416) Evaluación y selección de fitoquimicos con propiedades antibactericidas e inmunologicas destinados a la formulacion de dietas en salmonidos para mejorar la resistencia al sindromeRickettsial del salmon (srs). 2013-2014.
- CORFO-INNOVA (11IDL2-10573). Aditivo antioxidante en base a plántulas de maqui cultivadas in-vitro para elaboración de alimentos funcionales. Investigador responsable (2011-2014)
- Consorcio CORFO. Antarctica. Fuente de recursos para la Biotecnología. Investigador. (2008-2011).
- Consorcio CORFO Salud animal basada en extractos naturales. Investigador responsable (2006-2011).