227 181 004


The research interest involves physical and chemical characterization of soil minerals, particularly with Mössbauer spectroscopy, and uses of iron oxides-containing materials as heterogeneous catalysts for environmental remediation.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Físico química de suelos y medio ambiente
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Química, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. 2001
Químico, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
27 181 071


My research interest is focused on the synthesis and characterization of electroceramics materials with interesting electrical properties. The work involves the study of   oxides as electrodes for lithium batteries and Chemical-Biological sensors. The main used techniques are X-Ray diffraction, Electron microscopy and Impedance Spectroscopy. As a second research line I also studied intercalation chemistry and physical properties of nanocomposites based on Chalcogenophosphates type MPS3 (M= Mn, Cd).

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Química del Estado Sólido.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Posdoctorado en CIMAT, Universidad de Chile (2008)
Posdoctoral fellowship, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, England. (2006-2007)
Doctor en Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile. 2003
Licenciado en Ciencias c/m Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile
27 181 136


We explore strategies for construction of molecular devices and their structural and functional properties. In one of our investigations we propose an innovative strategy for the fabrication of a biosensor for electrochemical detection.  The nanoelectrode arrangements based on thin films nanostructures and functionalized with redox activate center as metal phthalocyanines shown high selectivity for the oxidation of compounds as, dopamine, serotonin and epinephrines.


Línea(s) de investigación: 
Electrocatálisis en Nanoestructuras
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Química, Universidad de Santiagode Chile, 2008.
Químico, Universidad de Santiago de Chile 2003.
27 181 074
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Fisicoquímica de Superficies
Grados académicos /educación: 
Magíster en Química, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1986.
Ingeniero de Ejecución en Química, Universidad Técnica del Estado, 1971.
227 183 415


Diego Venegas-Yazigi graduated in chemistry from the University of Chile’s Science Faculty, where he went on to obtain his PhD from the same university in 2001. He spent nearly two years with Prof. A.B.P. Lever at York University in Toronto, Canada, where he carried out much of his thesis work during his doctoral studies. He held a postdoctoral position for three years at the Chilean Centre for Multidisciplinary Materials Research (CIMAT), and then accepted an assistant professorship at the University of Chile from 2003 to 2007. Since 2008 he has held a full professorship at the University of Santiago, Chile. He is currently the leader of the Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Materials Laboratory (LM4). In this research group several different lines are developed. Our interest is centered on studying different Inorganic Materials and their magnetic, optical, and catalytic properties.

Initially, the area of molecular magnetism was focused on discrete systems (dimers, trimers) which were used as models to understand the magnetic exchange interactions. Then, chemists became more and more interested in designing systems with higher complexity, showing cooperative phenomena such as ferro- and ferrimagnetism. Other systems of interest were provided by discrete molecular entities exhibiting unusual behavior, such as the so-called Single Molecule Magnets (SMM). Due to their reduced size, these molecular entities show magnetic hysteresis at low temperature and quantum effects.  They are now becoming one of the most essential objects in applied molecular magnetism as they can, in principle, store information at a molecular level. They can be, therefore, of interest in Molecular Nanomagnetism. Other exciting systems being designed and studied in our group are mixed-valence polyoxidometalates. These molecular entities can be functionalized to build hybrid organic-inorganic mixed-valence ligands to coordinate lanthanoid ions. These assemblies are of interest in magnetism and luminescence because the degree of mixed-valence in the polyoxidometalate fragment, plays a role in the observed magnetic and luminescent properties. Inorganic materials with catalytic properties are also studied, being the photocatalytic processes using inorganic nanocomposites the main object of our attention.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Inorganic multifunctional materials
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile..
Licenciado en Ciencias c/m Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile
27 181 075


JOSE H. ZAGAL is Full-Professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, University of Santiago de Chile, Ph.D. in Chemistry Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA (1978) and was postdoctoral fellow at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York in 1982. Invited Scientist, National University of La Plata, Argentina in 1991 and 1996  Invited Scientist, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1992, 1995, Brown & Williamson Visiting Scholar, University of Louisville, Kentucky 1996 Invited Scientist, University of Fortaleza, Brazil 1997,  University of Guanajuato, Mexico, 2002, 2004. Invited Professor, ESPCI, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 1997,  Chem Tech, Paris,  2000-2016 Poltecnico di Torino ,2022


7920 citations in WOS, impact factor H = 47. SCOPUS: 8388 citations factor H = 48. Updated as of May 8, 2023 (Scopus database). Google Scholar: 14658 citations with an H factor = 62 .   222 publications in indexed journals, 25 other publications.

He has presented more than 400 papers in national and international meetings, including some plenary and invited lectures.

Editorial Boards

  1. Current Electrocatalysis, Bentham Science Publishers (desde 2021)
  2. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Springer (desde 2021).
  3. Applied Surface Science Advances, Elsevier (desde 2020).
  4. Frontiers in Chemistry Electrochemistry, Review Editor (desde 2018)
  5. Electrochemistry Communications, Elsevier (desde 2014)
  6. Electrochemical Energy Technology, De Gruytier (2014-2020)
  7. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (desde 2014)
  8. Journal of Solid-State Electrochemistry, Springer (desde 2012)
  9. International Journal of Electrochemistry, Editorial Endawi (2010-2020)
  10. Electrocatalysis, Springer (2009-2015)
  11. Química Nova Brazilian Chemical Society (desde 2015)
  12. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society (1984-2007)
  13. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Springer (1987-2010)
  14. Revista Contribuciones de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (since 2015)
  15. Sello Editorial de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (2008-2019)
  16. Member of the Editorial Board Universidad de Santiago de Chile (1986-1990) 
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, Molecular Electrochemistry, Molecular Electrocatalysis.
Structure-activity relationships in systems and reactions relevant to energy conversion. Electrode kinetics.
Distinguished Professor
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor of Philosophy (Case Western Reserce University, USA, 1978.
Chemist and Chemistry Licentiate, University of Chile, 1973.
27 181 062


Structural determination of secondary metabolites of himic acid biogenetic route. Antioxidant activity of compounds of vegetal origin. Pharmacologycal and physiological properties of extracts and pure compounds used in Popular Medicine. Models and role of the resinous exudates of plants from arid and semi-arid zones. 


Línea(s) de investigación: 
Química de Productos Naturales
Grados académicos /educación: 
Doctor en Química, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1997.
Profesor de Estado Con Mención en Química y Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 1986
27 181 172


Optimization of methodology of stripping voltammetry for the determination of trace metals in environmental samples

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Química analítica, Análisis instrumental, Electroanálisis.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Químico, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 1998
Doctor en ciencias exactas mención química, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 2005
Laboratorio de Aguas. Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental. Facultad de Ingeniería. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2005)
Laboratorio de Química Analítica. Departamento de Química Universidad de Chile. Posdoctorado FONDECYT (2006-2007)
27 181 149
Línea(s) de investigación: 
Preparación y caracterización de materiales nanocompositos base polímeros
Grados académicos /educación: 
Ingeniera Química. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín. Junio 2003
Doctor en Química, Universidad de Chile, 2010
27 181 154

In general, the investigation is focused on the isolation and structural determination of different families of secondary metabolites, and their biological properties determination.
The main research areas are: 
Investigation of the antimicrobial activity (both antifungal and antibacterial) of secondary metabolites, specially diterpenoids, monoterpenoids and flavonoids, through structural determination, activity evaluation, synthetic transformations, action mechanisms, physicochemical properties calculations, molecular modeling and structure-activity relations.
 Chemical Ecology, the study of origin, function and role of natural products that mediate inter and intra-specific interactions between organisms, and organisms interactions with abiotic elements in the ecosystem. Also, the repellent and insecticidal effect of certain essential oils from plants, the composition of volatiles that attract insects to host-plants, and the role of volatiles as pheromones.

Línea(s) de investigación: 
Química de Productos Naturales.
Grados académicos /educación: 
Técnico Químico Industrial, Universidad Técnica del Estado.
Doctor en Ciencias con Mención Química, Universidad de Chile, 1983.
